Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Creating controversy in the Conrad Murray trial

AOLTV.com reported yesterday Nancy Grace's reaction to the verdict in the Conrad Murray trial. Grace was quoted saying, "Well, once I found out it was a guilty verdict thats really all I needed to know... I only wish it had been a murder one, because murder one deserves life behind bars, not four years." She then continued to say, "Hey! He and Casey Anthony can have a tea party in four years!" Catherine Lawson, author of the article, intends to influence the reader with the comparison of the two major trials, where she then implies with Grace's statement that they both got off easy. However she still places emphasis on the fact that she, amongst many other major figures of our culture (including our public), believes that this should be a murder trial and that Murray deserves to rot in prison.

I, however, could not oppose these statements any more adamantly. Where Murray did provide Jackson with the drugs, Jackson has been a known drug addict. It was totally along the lines of his personality to overdose. Tens of thousands of people cannot come to terms that their beloved pop prince could have ever overdosed and they looked to Murray as the fall guy. Jackson had been in a frail state, as well, and with his history of drug use it only makes sense that he would overdose as if the medication he was taking was "magical".

On another note, Grace and Lawson CANNOT relate Murray to Casey Anthony at all. Anthony had so much evidence stacked against her yet she still got out of all murder charges and all child endangerment charges. Murray is bound to get the harshest punishment for his situation, which I feel is wrongfully placed upon him. While Anthony walked away a FREE WOMAN, Murray will walk away in 4 years with a punishment he did not deserve.

I guess when id comes down to a 3 year old and the prince of pop that a jury would rather convict in favor of pop culture rather than for the young child...